I am a Soldier of Culture

Monday, 11 April 2011

A Brand New Update

So its been an interesting few weeks, as in I've been barely sober. I outright refuse to digress my actions, so here's one about someone else. As I was leaving a nightclub some night last week, two girls who I know through my sister's girl-band 'Amore' (make your own judgements) approached me frantically telling me to 're-evaluate' my life (back of the queue, please) because of my friendship and association with a certain lad (Nick). This boy allegedly told one of these girls, who was visibly upset (as opposed to repressing it) that he had said, and I quote, "I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to talk to you, I just want to shag you.' He phoned me the next day and upon the subject being broached he cleared the whole thing up. See, what happened was, he approached her for an innocent chat while she was looking lonely, she then leads them both to another room for a drink and he thinks he has the greenlight. Upon an hour of KB's and her actually trying to converse with him in a nightclub, he snapped and delivered that cutting-line out of what he believes is justified frustration (make your own judgements). Quite funny, I am hoping to take him to the band's launch night, in hope they can both reminisce.

Anyway, I've had a good couple of weeks in which I have seen and done a variety of different things, living up to my niche as a borderline alcoholic. But now with exams looming, I'm attempting a lock-in. However, this rarely works as I end up freaking it a few days in then wake up four days later wondering where I am. I am trying hard, I mean my future literally depends on it. Speaking of which,  I iz strongly considering taking next year out. There's much I want to do, need a break from uni and want more money. Why was I born handsome instead of rich? Well, time is on my side and I'm sure you agree.

Kept meaning to blog about Wrestlemania which was, as is the case recently, a mixed bag. Me and some of my closest allies had a McDonald's challenge. The attempt was 80 McNuggets, 4 Dbl Cheeseburgers, 2 McFlurrys. I finished after 47 McNuggets, 3 Burgers and both McFlurrys. And I finished last. Disgusting it was, even though I still love MaccyD's. It was also sort of inebriating, apparently it was the salt. I don't really remember much. As is the case with much of the last two weeks.

Thus rendering this blog absolutely pointless and useless.

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