I am a Soldier of Culture

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Update Bitchez

Am I the only person who does not give a flying fuck about the News of the World scandal? I do not see how somebody trying to hack Hugh Grants phone to see if he still has a penchant for transvestites is a serious issue for members of the general public. In fact, I may be the only person that appreciates the attempt by this publication for giving us first-rate celeb gossip.

2 cover-ups are being facilitated here.

#1. The government is PRETENDING this is a massive deal that affects YOUR (likely) shit life even though in truth, it has nothing to do with why you have achieved nothing and it's actually THEIR fault for overcharging you to live in a shit country, fucking up the economy, raping the environment, turning you onto addiction and depression and paying themselves handsomely for the privilege. Its a distraction. Any Questions?

#2. Rupert Murdoch is pretending he is a harmless, fumbling old man a la Homer Simpson's father, when he is in fact clearly, Mr.Burns. Anyone who owns and controls the majority of the bias, filthy, uneducated, unimportant vomit that is the British media and profits so heartily from it and maintains a seemingly unquenchable thirst for spreading the control of his conglomerate is clearly evil (admirable). 

With all that power, money and influence....I wonder how much ass that fugly old dog Murdoch is pulling down these dayz?

I saw the final Harry Potter film the other day. Despite having abandoned the franchise due to its painfully obvious (to me only) corporate greed and the faggotty enthusiasm by regressive 20-30 somethings who were bullied at school, I have an attachment to the franchise as I had the first two books before anyone knew their Jigglypuff from their Hufflepuff. The final film was relatively dark and Alan Rickman justified the rickockulous budget with his layered portrayal of Severus. However, if you cried at the end of the film or even thought it was 'sad', do your damaged-beyond-repair psyche a favour: leave the gas on.

Prior to the film starting, I was privy to the WORLD EXCLUSIVE LONG AWAITED trailer for 'The Dark Knight Rises'. If you have sat in a group of your friends and concluded or even discussed how amazing 'The Dark Knight' or 'Black Swan' or any other universally lauded film is, then guess what? You just wasted even more of your life than necessary. 'The Dark Knight' was a great film, it got all the credit it deserved. So when it next comes up in conversation, if you tell me how much you loved it and how you thought Heath Ledger was amazing, I will tell you how much of a bobby fickle moron you are for repeating an opinion that has been proliferated painfully (TEXTBOOK alliteration). Anyway, and I urge anyone reading this to mark my words, the imperious Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bain will equal or surpass Ledger's performance.

You know what really grinds my gears? People who say, 'Aw, I love Captain America, can't wait for the film' or 'Aw, I wish they had done a better job with the Green Lantern, I loved those comics.' These people are pathetic liars. You never collected Green Lantern comics, you watched Nickelodeon. Comics, and their numerous editions and spin-offs are intrinsically, cult. There is little to no best-selling individual comic editions. Stop pretending you were a nerd before it was (considered) cool to be a nerd. You were born and raised in Glasgow and you never read shit before you were forced to at high-school. So until 'The Crucible', the action-packed Hollywood blockbuster is released, shut it.

That's plenty bitchin innit? I am getting rather vitriolic these days. I have so much more to complain about. But I'll give that to you soon. I deliver in segments. See how I've hooked you to check back to see what else really annoys me, and you, once you've changed your ways.

It was The UK Office's 10th birthday last week, which makes me feel incredibly old (I was born in the 80's). I love The Office. The docu-style in which it was shot, the subtle and realistic love story between  Tim (the talented Martin Freeman) and Dawn, and to top it off, Ricky Gervais' flawless performance as David Brent. There is no TV show that is so dense. I have seen each episode likely 100+ timez and am still surprised by something funny that I hadn't spotted before. As he always wanted someone to say...

"There goes David Brent..."

Now for an aggressive, drunken picture of Mel Gibson:

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